This is to assure you of our concern for the safety and welfare of the children attending the Mt. Lebanon Extended Day School Year Programs at our Centers. Our Emergency Operations Plan provides for responses to different types of emergencies. Depending on the circumstances of the emergency, we will use one of the following protective actions.
- Immediate Evacuation: Children will be evacuated to a designated safe area on the grounds (inside or outside) of the school, in the event of a fire or other on-site emergency.
- In-Place Sheltering: Sudden occurrences, weather or hazardous materials related may dictate that taking cover in the building is the best immediate response.
- Evacuation: Total evacuation of the facility may become necessary if there is danger in the area. In this case, children will be taken to the designated evacuation site and parents will be contacted.
- Modified Operation: May include cancellation/postponements or rescheduling of normal activities. These actions are normally taken in cases of severe weather conditions or building problems (such as, utility interruptions) that make it unsafe for children to travel or remain in the building.
• In the event of any of the emergency actions above, we will notify you via Remind and, if possible, announcements will be posted on our website.
• We ask that you do not call during an emergency. This will keep the main telephone line free to make emergency calls and relay information. We will Notify you when we’ve taken one of the above protective actions. We will also notify you when the situation has been resolved and it is safe to come and pick up your child.
• We specifically urge you not to make different arrangements during an emergency. This will only create additional confusion and divert staff from their assigned duties.
In order to ensure the safety of your children and our staff, we ask your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any additional questions prior to an emergency regarding our operating procedures, contact:
Daryl Lucke, Executive Director: 412-343-1661 Ext: 113