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Taken from the MTLSD district health services handbook below are the guidelines for families- 

"The positive action of reporting an incidence of headlice to your child's school cannot be overstated. Parents who treat their child for lice and do not report it to the school risk the infestation of others and the reinfestation of their own child. When the nurse's office is notified of a student with a positive case of lice, the following occurs.
•    If a child is found to have evidence of lice, the following protocol based on Allegheny County Guidance, occurs:
o    The child’s family is contacted.
o    The nursing staff rechecks the child upon return to school.
o    There are continued checks for that child over a period of four weeks.

•    If a child is found to have nit(s) only, the family will be contacted to check their child’s head and remove the nits, but they are not excluded from school.  
What to Do: 
•    Notify the school if you confirm lice or eggs/nits.
•    Wash any items sent home with your child before returning them to school.
•    Please check your child’s head thoroughly regularly.
•    Discuss the importance of not sharing hats, combs, brushes, hair items, etc."  
Mt Lebanon Extended Day Lice Procedures- 
If your child has a positive case of lice-  
1. Alert the MLEDP center immediately for anonymous notification to be sent to any families that could be impacted.
2. If we suspect a child in care has lice, parents will be called to come and pick up the child to have them checked.
3. The child will not be permitted to return to care until the lice has been treated and the school nurse has permitted return to school.
4. A notice will be sent to families when a known lice incident occurs in any of our centers 

Tips to Prevent Head Lice
- Encourage your kids to avoid sharing things that have been on or near another child’s head, including hairbrushes, combs, hats, scarves, towels, helmets, pillows, sleeping bags, etc.
- Teach your kids to hang up their coats and hats on an individual hook, or some other separate area when they get to school, instead of just throwing them in a pile with their classmates’ clothing.
- Regularly clean things that your child’s head has direct contact with that they share with other children. Examples are car seats, pillows, and headphones.
- Check your child for nits and live head lice at least once a week. Although you may find head lice anywhere, they are often found at the back of your child’s head, near the neck, and behind the ears. Wash your child’s hair with a regular shampoo and hair conditioner. It’s easier to comb through your child’s hair if you use hair conditioner. Check your child’s hair while it is still damp.

- You won’t prevent head lice by keeping your child’s hair short or in a ponytail. Nor will special shampoos, conditioners, or hairspray help. You should avoid using potentially toxic products if your child doesn’t have an active infestation. In the case of infestation, you should use only products that are approved for treating lice infestation in children. Peppermint oil is a known deterrent for lice 

Below is a link to the CDC with additional general information about head lice. 
Providing Care for Individuals with Head Lice | Lice | CDC